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A small group day trip to the islands of François and Robert.

Step on board Roro’s speedboat for the day of your dreams, packed with culture, laughter and good humour.


Discover the islands of François and their “fonds blancs”, the famous “baignoire de Joséphine” and the barrier reef before making way to the small islands of Robert. Your first stop is “îlet Chancel” visiting the ruins of a lime kiln and a sugar habitation all the while observing the residing iguanas from one of the Caribbean’s last iguana colonies (The Delicatissima Iguanas). You’ll make the most of a refreshing dip in Trapèze’s turquoise sea water, rum punch in hand, before having lunch on “L’îlet Madame”. Accras, “plantueur” cocktail, lobster and local vegetables, with your captain you’ll discover an array of local delicacies and flavours. Make the most of a stroll and swim in idyllic surroundings: fine sand, turquoise waters and amazing view of the Atlantic ocean and barrier reef…


Your captain Roro is sure to charm you with his enthusiasm, sense of humour and overall welcoming nature. An unforgettable day for friends and family!

The « Fonds blancs » by speedboat with Roro

  • Sortie en petit comité, maximum 12 passagers
    Départ de la Marina du François. Martinique F.W.I
    RDV 9h, retour vers 16h30
    - 2 à 12 ans 50 €
    - Adultes  80€ /90 €
    Menu langouste ou poulet, et boissons inclus

    Apportez vos affaires de baignade et protection solaire !

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